
Last weekend I led a two part psychogeographical exploration of Tralee’s rivers as part of Transition Kerry’s Telling The Stories of the Rivers of Tralee series of events, it was great to see a full house for the talk and how many people came on the cycle, we managed to visit five rivers and streams without leaving the town. There was lot of great stories and insights into the rivers shared which I suppose is the objective of the series, and it was great to meet people who had worked on the diversion projects in the 1990’s.

Just to say thanks to a few people who made the event possible:  to Alan and Mary in the Wetlands for hosting the event, to Colm (LAWPRO),  Eleanor and Murt (KCC) for organising access to the diversion intake (as far as we know this was the first time there has ever been public access to this!), to Jim for the clicker and the photographs of the cycle and to Niamh and Mary for inviting me and for orgainging the series of events.

There is a couple of more events scheduled to take place over the next month be sure to check them out.



meander one

The presentation deck from the talk at the Wetlands is available to view here  (or download)


meander two


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